Technology in the restaurant space… An honest and very good monologue on what is missing in the restaurant space.  Just the beginning of what is possible and all very true.

In recent posts by Felix Salmon of Reuters and the more lengthy piece by Corby Kummer in Vanity Fair, the discussion of Tasting Menus, the value and “popularity” of them and what they mean to a restaurant have become a hot debate (see Twitter for on going posts including Pete Wells and Ben Leventhal.) The […]

This should bring some good debate… Agree with most except when it comes to incites into tipping and the economics of a restaurant.  Anyone willing to say that tipping should be banned, should be willing for prices of food to go up by 20%.  While I agree that the service profession should absolutely be celebrated […]

In hospitality, there are many elements that are not totally understood but are absolutely felt by the guest, like the mystique of the sauce spoon. Its purpose is usually unknown, but its presence says something about where you are, and once understood, its unlimited functionality opens up a whole new experience. It is the culmination […]